Articles and interviews


Interview Experimenting with modalities of practice in complicity with the stuffs of a shared planet.


Interview On Impersonal Speculation, Machinic Détournement and Cyborg Flâneur

interview Patricia Pisters - Different situations might need different types of intelligence; the forms of knowledge from speculative thinking, fiction, and design can be really powerful


Interview Gökhan Kodalak - Exploring critical intersections between architectural education, speculative thinking, and the role of drawing as a mediator of theory and philosophy


Interview Ákos Schneider - In an era of polycrisis, merely refining our practices is insufficient; we must also critically examine the inherited preferences and references of modern design on a systemic level.


interview Rick Dolphijn - The Land and Us: On Sensing, Coming Together and Earthliness


podcast Semiosphere research day - podcast 1


Article Counterfactual and Alternative Histories as Design Practice by James Auger and Julian Hanna published in Temes de Disseny 39


Interview Alice Twemlow - I think the next phase of education needs to begin with the question: What is the role of art and design practice in the context of climate catastrophe?


Interview Yasin Dündar talks with Dulmini Perera, scientific staff member in the Theory and History of Modern Architecture Department at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar


Article Annotate This! Semiotization, Automation and the Recursive Causality of Images by Andrej Radman and Stavros Kousoulas published in The Space of Technicity: Theorising Social, Technical and Environmental Entanglements.


Article Design as Playground: Exploring Spatial Design Through Playful Practices by Roger Paez published in Space and Culture, 27(2) (2024): pp. 187-208


Article What Does This Have to Do with Architecture? by Andrej Radman and Stavros Kousoulas


Article Introduction to the book Designing in Coexistence – Reflections on Systemic Change by Ivica Mitrović


Inspiration SpeculativEdu - Conclusions and manifesto. From SUrF's legacy project